Mobile Market
In 2017, the Jamestown Public Market returned to it’s original name. In part to the USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program grant, the market was able to establish the Jamestown Mobile Market, a program borne of years or research into Jamestown’s food security concerns.
Stay tuned for the 2024 season: we will be in the community Wednesdays and Thursdays
from June 12th to September 26th.
Market Days
What is it?
The Jamestown Mobile Market is a ‘farmers market on wheels’. Modeled after successful food distribution programs across the country, the Mobile Market brings fresh, local produce directly to our community, particularly to high needs areas.
Why are items priced so low?
All produce items at the Mobile Market are currently priced below retail value. This is intentional to increase access for those most in need. 50% of all Mobile Market customers receive SNAP benefits. The majority of our customers are low-income seniors. 1% of our customers report as homeless. While the price is ‘right’ for many, the goal is to eliminate barriers currently preventing many from shopping healthy.
We accept SNAP/EBT benefits, participate in the Double Up Food Bucks NY program, and accept FMNP Wic and Senior vouchers.
Why is it needed?
The Mobile Market is designed to meet community members where they are at with a goal of increasing healthy food access. As the Public Market is open for four hours each Saturday, many community members are unable to attend. More importantly, the Mobile Market provides access to those who need it most. With 33% of city residents living in poverty, families facing food insecurity (or the uncertainty of knowing where a next meal will come from), and 21% lacking transportation access, the Mobile Market provides an opportunity for all to shop at an affordable rate, in central locations. All stops are located within Jamestown’s low-food access areas.
What is a 'low-food access area?'
Areas or neighborhoods, urban and rural, are considered experience low-food access when 30% or more of residents live a mile or more from a farmers market, grocery store or other outlet for fresh, healthy produce and foods.
Can anyone shop at the Mobile Market?
Yes! The Mobile Market is open to any and all community members. Community members are encouraged to pay what they can, when they can to help achieve our goal of healthy food access for those most in need.
How is the Mobile Market funded?
The Mobile Market is currently funded through grants, community sponsorships, and supporters like you!
In addition, our Eat Fresh, Do Good CSA program provides up to 25% of our Mobile Market budget. Join as a member to receive fresh produce weekly AND be a part of increasing fresh food access!
The Mobile Market would not exists without the support of our community!